Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Man more than Matter

Radical materialism makes no sense. For the words in this post exist in one’s mind not in any material way but they have a non-material existence. They are symbols for things material and for intellectual concepts that themselves have no material existence, but exist nonetheless. Universal ideas of non-material things such as love, truth, and beauty have a universal existence that comes about without the transfer of the same material substance to each mind that possesses these concepts. The contents of our thoughts are not limited to space and time as is matter, but they exist in many minds at once without ceasing to be in the minds of others. Thus, there is obviously an intellectual domain that cannot be reduced to matter.

Some have shown that at the instant a materialist utters his claim and wants another to accept it as true, he is being irrational. If materialism is true than asking someone to make a judgment and change one’s mind by accepting his materialist claims, is an impossibility. If materialism is true then thoughts, including judgments, would simply be the result of the interplay of material forces that are completely determined by laws of nature. Whatever happens would be the result of the necessary outcome of matter obeying natural laws. Free will, choice, all of these would be mere illusions. Of course, even if a materialist recognizes this and is a committed determinist, he cannot live that way. This belief generally is used as a convenient justification for his rejection of those truths which would make uncomfortable demands upon him.

from part 2 of a 3 part series on The Sacraments and Human Nature at Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex

part 1

part 2

part 3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

3:31 AM  

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